Wednesday, October 30, 2019

In finance, risk is best judged in a portfolio context. Is this true Essay - 1

In finance, risk is best judged in a portfolio context. Is this true Why - Essay Example in the capital as well as money market in different countries. The whole process is done by the finance manager of the concerned investing companies. The need for the investment market globally generated from the very advent of the securities market and the developments in the line of market participation in the stock exchanges and hence market volumes. These had a cumulative impact on the volatility in the securities market which ultimately gave rise to the need of the technical analysis tool in the hands of the experts to crack the investment market movements (Correia, 2007, p.154). The need for the understanding of the market trends came primary to the fundamental analysis of the companies and this gave rise to the need for qualified and expert personnel to act as investment bankers in the hands of large asset management companies and investment banking sector. Here this study is based on different types of tools and techniques of investment management like risk and return, CAPM m odel, WACC Model, capital structure, option etc. Risk and Return The terminology â€Å"risk† is mainly used for the investment which indicates the difference between the actual return and the expected return of the investment (Kieso, 2010, p.97). On the other side, return on the investment indicates the earring from investment which can be treated as a reward of risk bearing. So, this tool indicates the gain and loss on the investment from the investment within certain time period. Portfolio Theory The fundamental of the portfolio theory indicates to diversify different types of securities in to different types of risk for the purpose to minimise the risk factor. In 1952, Harry Markowitz introduced the idea of diversification. So this theorem was mainly introduced for the purpose of maximising the return i.e. wealth of the investors. International diversification indicates diversification of the various investment strategies decided on, by the finance managers of the investme nt company. It relates to the investment decision made by the finance manager in different securities of different markets, thereby, enabling the investment bank to reap the benefits of investing in different markets. Since, the foreign exchange market operates 24 hours in a day, investing in different markets will ensure maximum returns to the portfolio by taking the advantage of the variance in the currency value in different markets. Currency trading is an important strategy that most of the finance manager adopts for maximizing the portfolio value. Diversification in the portfolio will help in eliminating risk to a great extent, since policies adopted in a country might affect the stock market of a country but might not affect the stock market of another country. Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Capital asset pricing model is an important technique to know the actual position of the particular assets (securities, bonds, share etc.). International capital asset pricing model is the extended vision of CAPM, used when the investment companies are going to invest internationally. The extract of this model employed to stand the statement â€Å"For reducing the risk the investors should invest in the internationally diverse portfolio†. For example mutual fund can be used as a good diverse portfolio for the investors, who have less capability. The great economist William Sharpe developed the CAPM model for the first time. The key feature of this model is to calculate the risk attached with the investment and highlights

Monday, October 28, 2019

Working at Mcdonalds Essay Example for Free

Working at Mcdonalds Essay In the essay, â€Å"Working at McDonald’s,† Amitai Etzioni talks about his belief that working, especially at fast food chain restaurants can be bad for teenagers. Working, for teenagers under some circumstances can be bad for them but sometimes its good depending on the daily schedule of whomever is working. If the teen is still in school, working is bound to affect their involvement and attendance in negative ways. Though it’s true that while working you gain on the job experience, Etzioni believes it can’t really help if it comes at the cost of education while teens think the opposite. Fast food jobs do have an advantage earning money while also learning how to manage the money they make. It boils down to whether or not risks outweigh the benefits when working jobs like this which all depends on the current situation of the teen. To begin, the Etzioni writes how he believes jobs don’t go well with keeping up schoolwork and can get in the way of attendance. This is the same for nearly all extracurricular activities most are after school so it’s likely to get in the way. When I was in high school I had a friend John who tried to juggle a job, schoolwork and a football altogether but in the end he chose to give up football because he couldn’t make it to any of the practices. The author also takes into account that if students don’t have enough time to study their grades will drop without question. It comes down to the decision of which activity to give up to make room for work. More than half the time students will abandon the sport to find more study time like in my friend John’s case. Second, the author addresses the problem that I think has two sides to the coin. He believes that jobs generally don’t give any training that would help outside of the work they would be currently doing. This is true because most of the skills taught in fast food restaurants are for the simple things like running the register or working the fryer. Many of the jobs themselves could be done as good or better by a nine-year-old because of how simple the work is. Most aspects of this type of job wouldn’t help anyone in the future much less a teenager. Once they no longer work there  anymore, the skill is useless unless they still plan on working in the same type of job. There are a couple of things that can be learned from a fast food job that might help with other jobs the future. If you’ve ever been to a McDonald’s or any other fast food restaurant and had a bad worker serving you, you might have gotten a little annoyed. Work ethic is very important at a fast food place or any workplace for that matter. In other jobs, if you are not quick and efficient, you might not make it very far in your work. Also, workers learn how to work with different types of people this helps them in later experiences in a work force. Getting an impatient customer is a good example, when presented with a problem like this it helps prepare you for other situations like it in the future. This is not always easy but will serve as great experience for jobs in the future. Lastly, Etzioni explains that working doesn’t teach teens how to manage their money. This however is where I disagree, the best thing about having a job as a teen is that you learn the value of a dollar from your own mistakes. Having money and working for that money helps teens to understand that money isn’t free and shouldn’t be wasted. When teenagers want to buy something they’ll simply go buy it only to find later that they could have gotten it at half price had they waited on a sale. Also teens will try to rent things they want from â€Å"pay later† businesses like rent a center instead of buying it when they have the money to do so just to learn that not only is it more expensive this way but if they miss a payment the rightful owners could repossess it at any time. Often times this could lead to debt, but if they are lucky their parents might help them out. â€Å"Students who worked at least 25 hours per week while in school, their unemployment rate four years later was half of the seniors who did work.† This means that most of those that began in fast food jobs stayed in that area of work or simply became unemployed. There are plenty of pros and cons to working at an early age, while it could interfere with school it can also help teens develop a good work ethic and learn from their mistakes. If they don’t get the chance to make these mistakes before they move away, the consequences could be alot more devastating. The question the author wants the reader to consider in all this is, can the risk worth the reward?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Methods Of Personality Research ? Clinical Vs. Experimental :: essays research papers

The development of personality has long been an area of extreme interest to psychologists and psychoanalysts alike and many different theories of personality have developed over the years. From Sigmund Freud to B.F. Skinner, everyone seems to have not only an opinion of what personality is and how it develops but also an idea as to what is the best way to measure and report their findings. In order to test their theories, it was necessary to formulate methods of research that were effective, ethical and would provide a solid foundation for future personality research.Although both the clinical and experimental methods of personality research have lent themselves to our present day understanding of the human psyche and personality, each has done so in vastly different ways. Freud and his colleagues, who pioneered the clinical research method, chose to observe their clients in an up close and personal fashion. A great deal of their research findings came from interviews with psychologically disturbed patients. Personality psychologists who opt for the clinical method of research regard their work as both a method of gathering information and testing hypothesis as well as an opportunity to provide therapy and encourage healing. Therefore, the clinical method is very person oriented and allows for a more intimate study of the individual personality.Proponents of the experimental method are equally as dedicated to their methods of research. Not unlike clinical researchers, experimental researchers regard their methods as the best way of gathering information to support hypothesis regarding personality. Although their methods are not as up close and personal as those who study using the clinical method, they are certainly valuable. Experimental research is often regarded as the best form of research, due to its strict adherence to rigid research guidelines. Although neither of these two methods are infallible, each has its own merits and downfalls. In order to be best able to critique these methods one must have a general knowledge of each method, and an understanding of what has allowed them their staying power in the field of psychological research. The Clinical Research MethodThe clinical method of personality research developed literally at the patient’s bedside. During this time in the life of psychoanalytic research, the subjects were usually afflicted with one type of psychotic disorder or another. This bedside approach to analysis allowed for the psychiatrist or psychologist to observe the patient in their most natural surroundings.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Role of Computer in Parametric Design Essay -- Technology, Architectur

With the technological revolution, the telecommunications and information technologies opened the gate to rapid and unprecedented changes on society’s daily life which made computers significantly accepted. In architecture realm, it has become an important instrument in both design process and in the everyday operation of buildings and the city. After all, the current revolution is not just about the computer as a tool, but about its role in architecture design. Nowadays, the world is experiencing variety of new built environment with sophisticated forms as a result of this technological movement. Also, with the interaction between the computational development in architecture and the contemporary of spatial design intelligence, some new architectural design theories emerged to make differences between architects and control designing processes. These theories are employed in almost all designing realms, from architecture to urban design to provide fields of ideas and solution s that privilege complexity. Most of these theories are oriented to rely on understanding and using computational methods to generate exotic and complex geometries. In this respect, two of these theories will be discussed and compared to each other to highlight their Strengths and weaknesses. The theories are Parametricisem and Genetic architecture which characterise some of the contemporary architectural design approaches. One of the common design techniques used in contemporary architecture is parametric design which was established simultaneously with the development of high performance computing circles. This technique started to be presented in different context than its conventional understanding where parameters are manipulated manually in linear ... ...n with urban design than architecture and this is because of the need for high population in the simulation process that not appropriate for architecture scale. In conclusion, although the development of modern architecture and the intervention of computer technology to advocate this development, the contemporary architectural outcomes have become more complex and complicated with potential formulation problems. As a result, the new architecture theories came to put boundary lines between being in the range of these problems and producing elegant modern built environment. The seduction of computer-produced form also enhances architects to involve in seeking for new theories to develop the discipline and work to combine formalization with materialization. Finally, some of these theories are accepted and some other still a controversial aspect in architecture.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cultural Differences in Perception

The cultural influence of difference in focus and categorization In the research article, â€Å"The influence of culture: holistic versus analytic perception† provided by Richard E. Nisbett and Yuri Miyamoto, there is evidence that perceptual processes are influenced by culture. The research found that Western cultures focus on salient objects and use rules and categorization for purposes of organizing the environment, whereas, East Asian cultures focus more holistically on relationships and similarities among the objects when organizing the environment.In an illustrative study both rural Chinese and American children were shown a picture of a man, a woman, and a baby. The Chinese children tended to group the woman and the baby because of the relationship between the two, a woman takes care of a baby. American children tended to group the man and the woman because they are both adults. The results indicated that culture influences late stages of perception and categorization.I n another study East Asians and European Americans were presented with the Rod-and-Frame Test. In this test a rod or line is shown inside a frame, which can be rotated around the rod. The participants were asked to state when the rod appeared vertical even if the position of the frame was in a different position. The East Asian participants made more errors than the European American participants. This indicated that the East Asians were attending more to the whole field which made it difficult to ignore the frame.It was found that East Asians not only attended more to the field, but they noticed it earlier, remembered more about it, and related the object to the field in memory. Additional evidence that Asians pay more attention to context comes from work by Masuda and Nisbett. They presented American and Japanese participants with two animated pictures of a farm. The two pictures had various small differences in details. Some of the changes differed in focal objects and other chan ges were made in the field and relationships between objects.The findings showed small differences in styles of attending to information in the environment. In conclusion Nisbett and Miyamoto found, â€Å"considerable evidence that shows that Asians are inclined to attend to, perceive and remember contexts and relationships whereas Westerners are more likely to attend to, perceive and remember the attributes of salient objects and their category memberships† (Paragraph 10). Eye-movements during scene perception In the past hundred years, cultural differences in perceptual judgment and memory have been observed.It has been found that Westerners pay more attention to focal object whereas East Asians pay more attention to contextual information. Hannah Faye Chua, Julie E. Boland, and Richard E. Nisbett wrote a research article, â€Å"Cultural variation in eye movement during scene perception† in which they studied such cultural differences. They examined the possibility t hat the differences came from culturally different viewing patterns when confronted with a nature scene.The authors did so by measuring the eye movements of both American cultured individuals and Chinese cultured individuals while they viewed photographs with a focal object in a complex background. They found that the Americans fixated more on focal objects and the Chinese participants paid more attention to the background. It appeared to Nisbett, Boland, and Chua that the differences in judgment and memory may have come from differences in what is actually attended as people view a picture.In the study performed by Nisbett, Boland, and Chua participants were asked to sit in front of a computer screen with a head-mounted eye-movement tracker. The individual would start the session by looking at a plus sign in the middle of a black screen followed by a scenic picture. The findings from study Easterners and Westerners differ in assigning information to objects versus backgrounds. The East Asians were less likely to correctly recognize old foregrounded objects when presented in new back grounds.Providing more evidence that East Asians appear to bind objects with backgrounds in perception. Therefore the cultural differences in visual memory are likely caused by how people from Eastern and Western cultures view scenes and are not only due to cultural norms. American participants looked at the foregrounded object sooner and longer than the Chinese whereas the Chinese looked more at the background than the Americans did. It is thought that this is due to the fact that East Asians live in relatively complex social networks. Thus, attention to context is important for effective functioning.Westerners, however, live in less constraining social worlds that stress independence which allows them to pay less attention to context. Thought habits in different cultures In the research done by Nisbett and his colleges it is found that individuals not only think about different things but think differently over all. In all the studies it was found that Easterners think more holistically, paying more attention to context and relationship and relying more on experience-based knowledge than abstract logic and showed more tolerance for contradiction.Westerners are more analytic, tending to detach objects from their context to avoid contradiction. They relied heavily on formal logic. The Asian participants in the studies showed greater attention to the background of scenes than the objects in the background whereas the Americans showed greater attention to the objects. When it came to interpreting events in the social world, the Asians seemed similarly sensitive to context more quickly than the Americans did. This can cause different views when perceiving world events.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sodium Hydroxide essays

Sodium Hydroxide essays Sodium Hydroxide also known as Caustic Soda, lye, and sodium hydrate is a chemical with formula: NaOH. This substance is considered a very poisonous chemical. It is very dangerous and may be fatal if swallowed. It can cause burns to any area of contact. It reacts with water and acids. It has a moderate reactivity. If inhaled it may cause irritation and even serious damage to the upper respiratory tract. A few of its common symptoms are sneezing, sore throat, runny nose, and even pneumonitis. If swallowed it may cause burns of mouth, throat, and stomach. It can even cause death if you are in contact with it for an elongated period of time. Symptoms include bleeding, vomiting, diarrhea and fall in blood pressure. This chemical is a white substance, and has a texture like flakes. It is odorless and has a solubility of 111g/100 g of water. It has a specific gravity of 2.13. It has a boiling point of 1390C and a melting point of 318C. It is mainly used in producing rayon and other textile s, in making paper, in etching aluminum, and in making soaps and detergents. It is also used as a chemical and in the manufacture of other chemicals because it is not very expensive, it is used whenever a strong base is needed. In the year 1999 the Safety Commission's Approved Criteria for Classifying Hazardous substances. The manufacturer has the responsability to label the chemical appropiately. This substance is not considered carcinogeous. This chemical absorbs carbon dioxide and mointure from the air. It is not a combustible chemical and it is very dangerous to the environment, especially when water is present. Sodium Hydroxide is prepared industrially by the electrolysis of brine. ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Western Art Exhibition Critique Essay Example

Western Art Exhibition Critique Essay Example Western Art Exhibition Critique Essay Western Art Exhibition Critique Essay The show Renoir in the 20th Century is a group art exhibit of the French artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir and his friends, held at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA), exhibiting from February 14 to May 9, 2010. The paintings on exhibit are the works Renoir finished in the last 30 years of his life, included in the 6,000 art pieces he finished throughout his entire career.   The gallery literature lists his displayed work as decorative, classical, and a highly personal interpretation of the Grand Tradition. The artists that Renoir influenced throughout his life and are also on display at the LACMA with their paintings, drawings and sculptures are Picasso, Matisse, Maillol and Bonnard.   The art works in the public display by Renoir consist of women, children and family members with only a few self-portraits. No landscape or still life is evident in this show, as in his earlier Impressionism shows.   But what makes it important is that the art work is good, as compared to years of negative art reviews by critics, who have turned their backs on this notable artist in his later years. Painting until he died in 1919, Renoir was an unpretentious and very humble artist, even though he always wanted to be the best at what he did. He had become well-established during the Impressionism years because of his talent and this attitude. However, his successful art period was quickly followed by years of wondering if he could ever paint again. â€Å"I’m starting to know how to paint. It has taken me over fifty years’ work to get this far and it’s not finished yet,† declared the artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) in 1913, at a time when a major exhibition of his work, including the large nudes painted at the turn of the twentieth century, was in the show at the Bernheim Jeune gallery in Paris. [1] When Renoir followed other artists, such as Monet, into Impressionism it was considered by the art world as a huge movement away from Realism – the historical work of past artists that almost appeared to imitate life. The year 1869 had brought a new style of art called Impressionism into the world, developed by artists Renoir and Monet. At the beginning of the art movement, the works of both artists were so much alike it was as if their still life and landscape art blended together into one joyful union with colors to match the feelings.   Using unmixed primary colors, the work had a look about it unlike any other. The dark earthy tones and heavy dedicated brush strokes of the previous masters were gone. By 1880, Renoir had begun to move away from Impressionism even though he was highly sought for his unique colors and rainbow palette style, especially in his nudes and body forms. However, deep inside he felt he had wrung Impressionism dry. [2] These feelings are because his work of the human form had always been more traditional than other artists of the Impressionism group, and he was feeling as if it was pulling him away from what he felt was right for him. Renoirs return from an Italy trip in 1982 left him doubting Impressionism even more, with his work changing so much that critics, patrons and other artists felt he was going downhill with his art ability. At this time, late Renoir artwork was beginning to be considered bad Renoir work. Showing with the Impressionists, the painter [Renoir] is reported to have lamented to a dealer, Ive come to the conclusion that I can neither paint nor draw. Looking at the show one is inclined to mumble, Indeed. [3] Renoir eventually left Impressionism, returning to the full-bodied female nude and children he enjoyed doing, instead of landscape and outdoors. After studying in Italy, he discovered the importance of drawing prior to painting. According to the art exhibit literature, the work of Gabriel and Jean that Renoir painted in 1895, a painting of his infant son and nanny, demonstrated this fact.[4] Prior to its painting, he worked on preparatory drawings of the painting before he started. This was difficult He had become so mesmerized with the childs infant gown he spent hours on the painting, while quickly painting over the face of Gabrielle whom he really did not want to paint, refusing her several times prior to this. He [Jean] said that in his fathers paintings, everyone looked as if they were brothers and sisters. We are all Renoirs children in the paintings, Jean Renoir said. [5] Severely in pain with rheumatoid arthritis, his hands became completely gnarled and he became wheelchair-bound. In as much pain as he was, he still painted for years. Paintings like Jean as a Huntsman shows a full-length portrait of his son, Jean, referred to as a modern Blue Boy. The work appears as a work of the old masters, with the gallery listings describing it as similar to the work of Spanish artist Diego Velazquez, which exemplified Renoirs work with great art of the past – with Jean posing for several months while his father painted under extreme pain throughout the process. According to the LACMA literature for the show, the painting remained with Renoir until his death, and then was given to LACMA by Renoirs son, Jean, in 1979. Subject matter of his final years were nudes, girls at a piano, children with their nannies – turning his back on his Impressionism style he had been so involved with earlier in his life.   The light brush strokes disappeared, with Renoir returning to the style of the old masters such as Rubens.     With hands appearing as old tree stumps, he had mastered the use of color and brush strokes toward his final years. To paint, he wrapped fabric around his gnarled fingers while clamping a paintbrush between the thumb and first of his right hand, appearing gaunt and emaciated. But he still painted for hours because if he quit, the pain may actually destroy him.[6] The art display Renoir in the 20th Century Los Angeles County Museum of Art demonstrates how far Renoir had come artistically toward the end of his life. Instead of Bad Renoir art in his later years, it was the best he had ever done with a glowing to his skin tone other artists could not compete with. Becoming more and more of an art master who was dedicated to his work helped him overcome his physical pain. Through this, he worked to re-develop and refine the traditional forms and methods into an exquisite art form he had always preferred. Nowhere is this success more apparent than in the art exhibit of Renoir and his friends.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

History of Uganda Essay Essay Example

History of Uganda Essay Essay Example History of Uganda Essay Essay History of Uganda Essay Essay In the twelvemonth 1890 to 1926. the British authorities forged what is today the state called Uganda although they are non the initial integrity negotiants in the state. The derivation of the name Uganda was from the land of Buganda. This land encompasses the southern part which includes Kampala. its capital metropolis. Prior to the fusion of the state by the British. the state was under the control of the dynasty of the Bachwezi. These are the same people who had an influence upon Rwanda. the authorities of Tanzania every bit good as Congo in the period 1100 to 1600 AD ( Akallo A ; Alford 38-40 ) . Background Information about Uganda The state of Uganda is an East African landlocked state which takes its name from the land of the Buganda. This has the encompassing of the part in the southern portion of the state which incorporates Kampala. its capital metropolis. This East African state boundary lines Kenya. Sudan. DRC. Rwanda and Tanzania. It is land locked and its southern side is made up of Lake Victoria where the boundary lines to Kenya and Tanzania intersect ( White 1-6 ) . About the LRA The Lords Resistance Army is a guerilla ground forces of a sectarian type whose base is in the northern portion of Uganda. The LRA emerged out of the wreckage of the Uganda National Liberation Army in 1986. and settled down by Joseph Kony in early 1987. The activities of the group include armed rebellion directed to the Ugandan authorities doing it a major struggle in Africa as one of the longest-running struggles LRA was involved in perpetrating maltreatments every bit good as atrociousnesss of high magnitude runing from abduction. maiming. raping of the female. mass violent death of the civilians and largely the kids. The motion besides played a polar function in the destabilization of the northern part of Uganda runing from Sudan. which was their base. They besides congregated in an eastern part in Congo called Bunia. They made links with Army for Liberation of Rwanda. the ( ALIR ) among other Rebel groups ( White 1-6 ) . LRA came into being in 1987 for the intent of battle in the armed rebellion directed to the authorities of Uganda. This has been a major struggle in Africa. The leader of the group. Joseph Kony was in a place for self announcement as Gods spokesman every bit good as a Holy Spirit medium. Harmonizing to the belief of the Acholi. there is a possibility for diverse signifiers of manifestation by the Holy Spirit. This group holds to syncretic blend affecting the Christianity. the mysticism every bit good as Islam. the traditional faiths in Uganda every bit good as witchery. The claims of the group are the constitution of theocratic province whose footing is the Ten Commandments in line with the tradition of the Acholi. This group has been a focal point for accusals for the misdemeanor of human rights. This include actions of slaying. forcing of the kids to take portion in the violent belligerencies. their abduction and mutilation. sexual captivity of the kids every bit good as adult females The beginning and history of the LRA The ground forces is projected to incorporate two 1000 members working in northern parts of Uganda every bit good as southern portion of Sudan. The ground forces has been propped by the state of Sudan. Majority of its operations are based in the northern parts of Uganda although there is grounds of its operations in some parts in the DRC of Congo every bit good as Sudan ( Akallo A ; Alford 38-40 ) . Ideology of the LRA The LRA reportedly is responsible for the evocation of the patriotism of Acholi people on juncture. but bulk of the perceivers have a negative feeling with respect to the earnestness of their activities. The motivations behind the operations of the group are the overthrowing of the incumbent authorities of Uganda with the attendant replacing of the government that will follow with the execution of the Christianity trade name of the group. In frequent occasions. the group is involved in the snatch every bit good as the blackwash of the local civilians for the intent of the disheartenment of any foreign investing every bit good as the precipitation of the crisis in the authorities ( Akallo A ; Alford 38-40 ) . What the LRA have done The group terrorized the locals people. larceny from small towns. flaring huts. barbarous mutilation of the villagers. Slaughters and atrociousnesss took topographic point to people in many small towns. Majority of those people were displaced from their places and were forced by the fortunes to populate in the caps where life was suffering. The entree to nutrient every bit good as medical attention among other human necessities was hard to obtain. The group abducted vulnerable kids to do foot-soldiers this made them to give up their opportunities for schooling every bit good as the development of their societal lives. The kids were forced to kill people chiefly the villagers. their household members or even friends. LRA killed over 200 people and kidnapped at least 20 kids from small towns over a three-day period in the past 20yrs. So far. The LRA has abducted over 20. 000 kids. coercing male childs to contend as soldiers and misss to function as sex or labour slaves. ( United Nations ) How the LRA affected the people’s lives in Uganda Many people in Uganda lost their place and lives. Childs who were used to be child soldiers have been suffered in physical or emotional ways. LRA has been documented as holding abducted above 60 000 kids every bit good as young person in Uganda. In every three of the male stripling. one of them has been abducted. while in every 6 of the female stripling. one of them has been abducted. The immature adult females every bit good as the misss of the beginning of the Acholi every bit good as the Langi are used to execute some jobs while in imprisonment for the Rebels and their kidnappers. These include taking H2O. cookery. carrying of supplies. cleaning for the commanding officers of the ground forces. They besides played the functions of forced married womans to the group members and therefore the bulks were impregnated. Increasing HIV / AIDS rate The struggle of LRA has a great consequence on the kids due to intensifying incidences of premature sex. premature matrimonies. befoulments of great magnitudes. incidences of colza every bit good as sexual torment. In the extreme of these state of affairss the immature misss every bit good as adult females who are the victims of the abduction are made married womans to the Rebels. This has an deduction of exposure to HIV/AIDs. These immature adult females upon being rescued from the Rebels normally encounter hard life state of affairss taking to their engagement in harlotry. The same applies to those who have been displaced and fall back to populate in cantonments. This has besides contributed to intensifying instances of HIV/AIDs. This state of affairs is common ion the northern part of Uganda ( Gatwech 23-43 ) . Uganda has seen one of the most effectual national responses to the HIV/AIDS pandemic on the African continent. Harmonizing to the Uganda Aids Commission. so far. around 130. 000 Ugandans are infected with the HIV virus every twelvemonth. Over 1. 000. 000 ( one million ) citizens in the state of Uganda is the existent estimation existing with HIV. 520. 000 of them being adult females while 110. 000 of them are kids ( Gatwech 23-43 ) . The lives of the ex-child soldiers were distorted by the effects of the engagement in the activities of the group. It was hard for the kids to travel back to schools. Majority of the were in a state of affairs that they needed some more opportunities in order to restart to normal life. This is because to the bulk abduction took topographic point at a phase that was early in life. The immature soldiers greatly fear to take engagement in retaliation every bit good as a opportunity of credence. Majority of the citizens consider these childs to be slayers but the fact is that they are normally really good people ( Gatwech 23-43 ) . Decision and solutions In decision. to work out this internal struggle. the authorities is duty edge to carry on the development every bit good as the execution of the most comprehensive scheme turn toing issue of security. human-centered action every bit good as political action. The ground forces should be reformed every bit good as re-oriented which is merely accomplishable through the proviso of a way responsible for the dialogue and let for the passage of the state to greater democracy. The life of the immature kids who took portion in the struggle is at hazard and the duty of their rehabilitation falls on the authorities. Akallo. Grace. A ; Alford. Deann. â€Å"Survived Hell† Ignite Your Faith Vol. 65 Issue 8. p38-40 2007. Gatwech. Shame. â€Å"More victims of LRA Rebels revealed in South Sudan† Sudan Tribune p23-43. 2009. White. C. Todd. â€Å"Uganda† Country Report p1-6. 6p. 2007

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Political Science 3991 A1 (2) Institutional Role of the State to Make Essay

Political Science 3991 A1 (2) Institutional Role of the State to Make Trade Possible - Essay Example The government of United States played a significant role in the growth of infrastructure as well as technology. The nation undertakes various regulatory as well as social functions for the development of the economy. The state has an important role to play in the market The US government plays a vital role for ensuring the development of its economy. The state ensures that there is a free flow of credit for the development of the groups which are not effectively served. It also undertakes steps to provide an amount of credit for the development of small entrepreneurs and imports as well as exports services. The government or the overall nation has also been involved with the tasks of developing the infrastructure as well as technology for the progress of the economy. The revenue collected by the government is transferred among the income classes by the tax system as well as outlays. The government generally pursues a vertical redistribution of income which assists the elder people t hrough the social security programs. The US government influences the economy through its tax collection systems such as charging more taxes on products which are identified to be obsolete. It controls numerous economic activities for the progress of the economy of the country. The nation has played a significant part in the development of economy as along with providing social services. ... he state formulate plans as well as undertake steps for the development of economy which will help in enhancing the trade in the global market (Labonte, 2010). The institutional role of the state to make trade possible The US government has undertaken various plans as well as actions for the improvement of economy of the country. The state has adopted various steps for ensuring free flow of financial supports for the improvement of the society as well as overall economy. The government has played a vital part towards developing its economy by providing financial support for enhancing exports as well as imports. It made attempts towards the development of small business entrepreneurs for enhancing trade as well as market. The trade practices of the state should be fair as well as efficient for its enhancement at the international level. The government regulates the financial sectors for free flow of credit for the purpose of providing assistance to the under developed sectors for impr oving the economic conditions as well as trade (Stiglitz, 2006). The trade of goods as well as services in between the countries entails numerous costs. Transaction cost is identified to be one such cost and is considered to be a direct cost which is believed to be associated with trade. It is a cost which is charged on the profit earned for the trade of goods as well as services. The transaction cost is classified into three stages of which the first stage is supposed to be contact and signifies that the buyer looks for information about the product of the supplier with the intention to trade. Traders in this stage carry on with exploration of information in relation to the trade that is planned to be performed. In the similar context, transaction cost is believed to be associated with the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Module 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Module 5 - Essay Example Those who finally do attain a post are called the mandarins. Literati scholars were schooled in a particular form of Confucianism known as the School of Literati. There are four arts of the Chinese scholar: qin, qi, shu (calligraphy), and hua (painting). Qin, or more precisely guqin, is the literati’s musical instrument meaning old (gu) musical instrument (qin). It is a seven stringed zither that is plucked to produce sound. Invented some 3,000 years ago, the qugin maintains its relevance into the space age; when the unmanned spacecraft Voyager was launched in 1977, it contained a recording of a guqin piece. The second art, qi, is a chess-like board game now called weiqi (‘surrounding game’) in Chinese, and go in Japan and in the Western countries. Various speculations exist regarding the origins of the game; one is that it is a fortune-telling tool employed by ancient Chinese astronomers who discern the influence exerted by the universe on an individual. In this game, black and white stones are placed on a 19 by 19 line grid. The stones are placed on the intersections of the lines; when a stone is surrounded on all four sides by an opposing color, then the stone is captured and removed from play; the game ends when there are no more possible moves. The third art is shu (Chinese calligraphy). This is the source of all calligraphic tradition in East Asia, including Japan, Korea and Vietnam. These are distinctive because they emphasize motion and â€Å"sheer life experience,† with â€Å"time and rhythm in shifting space† (Stanley-Baker, 2010). The fourth art of the literati is hua (Chinese painting). Literati paintings were prized above all academic paintings by educated people because of the painting’s goal of revealingthe inner character of the painter and how he depicts sensitivity towards the conditions of human life (Indiana University, 2012). The video chosen is centered on the design and

Disputation of Doctor Martin Luther (Luthers 95 Theses at the Internet Essay

Disputation of Doctor Martin Luther (Luthers 95 Theses at the Internet Christian Library) - Essay Example In most of his thesis statements, Luther compared the true Christian beliefs to the Church practices, especially ‘indulgences’ during his time. It can be observed that most practices contradicted the teachings of the Bible. During those times, the church appeared to be in an insurmountable difficulty as it was filled with leaders whose practices were revolving around low moral standards, profanity, and perversion of beliefs; the church exhausted every Germans money through taxes (Biesinger 20). When he went to Rome in 1510, he observed the unlikely personalities of friars and how they used indulgences for their personal consumption (Bratcher). Church leaders of Europe also lived a wealthy life while neglecting their duties. In addition, churches were designed with unnecessary work of arts and instruments called by Protestants an example of "pagan idolatry" ("Roman Catholic Church"). Another problem Luther pointed out in his 95 Theses was the concept of purgatory and indulgences. Luther highlighted in thesis 17 that purgatory should not be treated as a place of horror but of love (â€Å"Disputation of Doctor†). However, friars used the Catholic belief that dead individuals may ascend straight to heaven or may descend directly to hell while others had to repent in purgatory. Since people would be anxious of having to agonize in purgatory, the friars used ‘indulgences’ (Perry et al. 321). Indulgence was described as an absolution of the people’s confessed sins, which can either be bought for one’s self or the dead ("Martin Luther"). Luther indicated in thesis 21 that indulgence was a misconception of Christian belief. Further, he pointed in thesis 10 that there was no way for â€Å"canonical penances for purgatory† to be secured (â€Å"Disputation of Doctor†). Likewise, Pope Leo X declared the "special jubilee indulgence" for the continuance of St. Peters Basilica construction (Spielvogel 381). A Dominican friar named Johann Tetzel went to Germany to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Book Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Book Critique - Essay Example In this story Moraley furnished a scarce view of life between the lower classes in England and the middle colonies of America through the early eighteen century. His adventure as indentured servants from England to the â€Å"American Plantations†, where he served in different jobs, saunter on the country side, and jumbled with black and white bonds people, the worker, craftsman, Indians, and other ordinary people. The special interest in the story is the comments of Moraley on servants, bondservants, and Native American. The story is about the lower class lives in England and American Colonies during the eighteen century. One of the major characters of the story is Willaim Carr who took him from his job and taught him the Trade of Watch making. The main character of his stories is his father, brother and mother as well as his wife who affected his life too much. Sir George is another character of his story. He wrote about Sir George while he was sailing on towards America. He has written about his masters daughter as well. When he met up with the daughter of his master he was removing his rags and given a torn shirt and an old coat, but was assured that the clothes were provisional and that he could anticipate better. This was the first time in the story when Moraley thus a feeling of respect among a master and an indentured servant (Moraley, Klepp, & Smith, 2005, pp. 18-20). After spending her time on the boat they went to Philadelphia where the slaves were to be sold all the slaves were sold except Morely. He went to Philadelphia and wants to spend his life in good manners, he started to search for a job but he failed and sold to a master. During this time period he fell in love and want to settle there but he sold. When he was working for his master he ran away from there but caught. His masters bailed him from jail and free him before his ending time period of serving. After that he engaged with a

Leading, Managing and Developing People in the Workplace Essay

Leading, Managing and Developing People in the Workplace - Essay Example From the discussion it is clear that the current competitive global economy requires companies to train and develop its employees of risk losing market share. Although there are high costs involved in training and developing the employees, the benefits of training will ultimately outweigh the associated costs. Several management practitioners have pointed out that training and development ensures that the organisation as the right mix of skills at all management levels.This paper discusses that ABB Company will be capable of attaining a competitive edge in the modern business environment through continuous training and developing the workforce especially on emerging engineering technologies. The attainment of the mission and vision of the organisation is dependent of the skills level of the employees. In addition, training and development will motivate the workforce thus leading to higher job satisfaction and productivity.  Competitive companies will engage in strategic planning th rough the use of acquired knowledge in order to meet the objectives and mission of the company. Accordingly, the human capital of the organisation can be viewed as a key success factor thus organisations must strive to train and retain the workforce.  Companies that commit resources to training and development ultimately enjoy an expanded market share, loyal employees and increased profitability thus facilitating the attainment of the organisational mission.... Competitive companies will engage in strategic planning through the use of acquired knowledge in order to meet the objectives and mission of the company (Bee 1994). Accordingly, the human capital of the organisation can be viewed as a key success factor thus organisations must strive to train and retain the workforce (Gary and French 2010). Companies that commit resources to training and development ultimately enjoy an expanded market share, loyal employees and increased profitability thus facilitating the attainment of the organisational mission. Some companies are committed to spending a certain percentage of their revenues towards employee training and development in order to meet the modern business challenges. In addition, the companies require the staff to dedicate a number of working hours towards improving their skills and attitudes through training and development. These companies will be in a position to attract qualified workforce, due to the good reputation associated wit h training and development of employees (Boydell & Leary 2006). The six ‘Es† of training Engage: - Training and development enables the employees to understand and appreciate the policies of the organisation. For instance, the employees of the company can be able to understand how new working methods will contribute to improvement in product quality. Accordingly, training and development is essential in embracing new organisational culture since the employees are able to enhance team work in the organisation. Educate: - The main purpose of training is to acquire knowledge that is essential in understanding work expectations and responsibilities. Since ABB employees may be moved from one country to the other, the companies must ensure that employees

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Book Critique Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Book Critique - Essay Example In this story Moraley furnished a scarce view of life between the lower classes in England and the middle colonies of America through the early eighteen century. His adventure as indentured servants from England to the â€Å"American Plantations†, where he served in different jobs, saunter on the country side, and jumbled with black and white bonds people, the worker, craftsman, Indians, and other ordinary people. The special interest in the story is the comments of Moraley on servants, bondservants, and Native American. The story is about the lower class lives in England and American Colonies during the eighteen century. One of the major characters of the story is Willaim Carr who took him from his job and taught him the Trade of Watch making. The main character of his stories is his father, brother and mother as well as his wife who affected his life too much. Sir George is another character of his story. He wrote about Sir George while he was sailing on towards America. He has written about his masters daughter as well. When he met up with the daughter of his master he was removing his rags and given a torn shirt and an old coat, but was assured that the clothes were provisional and that he could anticipate better. This was the first time in the story when Moraley thus a feeling of respect among a master and an indentured servant (Moraley, Klepp, & Smith, 2005, pp. 18-20). After spending her time on the boat they went to Philadelphia where the slaves were to be sold all the slaves were sold except Morely. He went to Philadelphia and wants to spend his life in good manners, he started to search for a job but he failed and sold to a master. During this time period he fell in love and want to settle there but he sold. When he was working for his master he ran away from there but caught. His masters bailed him from jail and free him before his ending time period of serving. After that he engaged with a

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Should central banks be independent Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Should central banks be independent - Essay Example They all have different origins hence the difference in the roles and functions that they are expected to play. While some of them were established as a special purpose upon which the government banks were brought up to bring about order in the way that bank notes are issued, others were developed to act as sources of funding for the governments (Downes & Vaez-Zadeh 92). There are other central banks that started off as large commercial banks that dominated and subsequently were able to boost the economy by offering the monopoly rights to provide bank notes. Most of the central banks started their operation during the 20th century as central banks that held the public policy agencies to conduct the functions related to central banking. However, the bundles of functions associated with the central bank have always differed in a substantial way from one country to the other. In this paper the main functions and roles of the central banks will be analyzed and an evaluation performed o w hether the central banks should be made independent (Touffut 52). The key functions of the central bank revolve around the fact that the central bank is an agency that is expected to perform the conducts of monetary policy and provide the means through which it can be settled. In the past, they functioned as the government’s bankers, the monopoly of issuing notes, the banker’s bank, the last resort lender, controller and regulator of credit and the maintenance of external stability (Goodhart xiii). The most important function of the central bank has been linked to the role of financial stability. However, it is considered as the objective that extends or goes beyond the objectives of functions, which contribute towards financial stability. Nonetheless, it is still applicable in many countries where for example in China, it is the role of the People’s bank to ensure that financial risks are mitigated with the effort to provide financial stability

Individualized Education Program Essay Example for Free

Individualized Education Program Essay All students have a right to education and safety at the expense of the school that he/she attends, including students with special need that requires special situation with no additional cost. Having such a diverse student body, an administrator would need to have an understanding of the legal ramification that is included in disciplining and accommodating special education students academically. All students have a right to be educated and in education there is a needed to become cautious that a special educational student can be expelled and/or suspended for being offenders of the school disciplinary code of conduct, like all other students. Also, staff and administration must become aware of the procedures of the IDEA in discipline students of special needs. This paper will discuss the disciplining of a special education students and if the disciplinary action taken to discipline a students was appropriated according to the special education laws. Student of special needs has multiple office encounters that surface into referrals due to unacceptable behavior in the instructional classrooms environment as well as other area of the school. For example, the students of special needs were standing out outside of a classroom. The students and other student was engaged in an argument begin to push and shove each other. The one student agreed but the other special needs student through a punch at the other student. A teacher grab the student, however the special needed student continue the confrontation and teacher lead him away. Further, at the beginning of the year the special needs student was reassign to the school due to behavior at local school. The student is a high school student and test data is showing that the student is behind three grades levels. The student refuses to completed work and continues to interrupt the learning environments. Added, the students show high level of frustration toward the instructor when periodically. The student attends class daily without pencil/pen or paper. Student has shown aggressiveness of verbal and physical threats toward other students in the classroom as well as disrespect toward staff. The students has been tested and identified as having an Emotional Behavior Disorder (EBD). The student show little progress in developing relationships with the dean of students, social worker, and other staff members such as the ESE staff at the school. The student have several alarming emotional concerns that differ from one incident to the next, and on different levels of how serious of the students disability is, therefore, interrupting the whole educational process. Moreover, the student is showing behaviors of withdrawals and isolation. Students with this disability experience a lot of tribulations when it comes to maintaining any relationships involving their peers or adults. It is possible that many of them will have a medical diagnosis. This particular student is very disruptive in class on a daily basis and has a hard time focusing and capturing the content being instructed. The student parent feels challenged and pushed beyond measure in addressing the student’s behaviors toward the classroom environments and his education. She empathizes for the child because his father past when he was younger and she have not remarried. She believes that the students are not just having few bad days, along with having a hard time adjusting to the change of not having a father nor sibling to express thought too. The teacher perspective of the situations was as follows: the student needs to build skills in areas of respecting other space and cooperation. She believes that overall the special needs student is a great students when desire to be. Added, after learning the student background the teacher believed that student needs counseling to address the student’s deeper emotions, which are preventing the student from becoming successful in the classroom. The student attention seeking has become a great distraction; as well as the student’s action has presented a safety hazard for other students and staff. The administration staff decided to reassign the student (without notifying the parent) to an alternative program. When investigating the incidents in the hallway, the finding showed that that the student is at- risk to himself as well as fellow students and staff members. The suggested program presents an opportunity of preventing him from dropping out of school, providing the student with another option of educational. This reassignment will serving as a disciplinary consequence, which provides the student time to address behavioral remediation. Although, the students feels that this is not the place he want to go. He refuses to agree to the reassignment. Student further express that he will not be going to the school for remediation. Although the school acts in the best interest of the majority; the school was out of compliance because according to the Federal government’s No Child Left Behind legislation (NCLB), the school has violated the student right to choose. The No child Left behind Legislation insists that a student is entitled to choose the reassignment school. Further, all parents/guardians must be inform of the change. Additionally, as part of the compliance with the NCLB legislation, any student who is a victim of a violent crime will be offered an opportunity to seek a school choice transfer rather than an alternative program. Because the school did not contact the parents to inform her of these interventions that the Student Support Team suggested. They did not provide the parent the right to be informed of all the information and how they are protected under three significant federal statutes: the IDEA, the American with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504 (Essex, 2012). Moreover, the ADA protects individuals whom have one or more physical or mental deficiencies, have a record of such impairments and are regarded as currently having that impairment. The individual must also qualify for the position, or program that is in question in order to be protected under the ADA. The Section 504’s criteria for protection are identical to those stated under the ADA. All of these laws are set in place to act and use as a guideline for any student with special education needs. If this issue was to be brought in front of a judge, most likely the ruling would be in favor of the parent and student. HONIG, California Superintendent of Public Instruction v. DOE, et al. (1988). Strong decision in school discipline case on behalf of emotionally disturbed children who had academic and social problems. Court clarified procedural issues designed to protect children from school officials, parent role, and stay put, that schools shall not expel children for behaviors related to their handicaps. Doug C. v. Hawaii (9th Cir. 2013) On June 13, 2013, the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued an important decision about parental participation at IEP meetings. Pete says that All special education staff who conducts IEP meetings should be familiar with this landmark ruling about IEP meetings and parental participation. Another area the school fails to address staff touching students or allowing another student to touch another student could motivate a law suit. In the case Pitasky, 1995, a law suit was filling against school personal. In this case if a student inquired injuries, either physical or emotional, that occurs either accidentally or intentionally, from the fight. The school could be accounted for wrongful actions and to deter such actions in the future (Fisher, Schimmel, Kelly, 1995). In closing, all students have a right to education and safety at the expense of the school that he/she attends, including students with special need that requires special situation with no additional cost. It is important to maintain collaborative support system between the school, family, and community to ensure a positive outcome to maintain a productive and effective educational environment. In the educational arena are many of special need students in educational programs whom are employed and will be able to function as productive citizens, with the proper services and procedures that are available. Courts have acknowledged that schools cannot guarantee the safety of all students (Mawdsley, 1993). Schools officials and school personnel, however, may have legal liability when a student is injured either by a deliberate action or negligence by a teacher. References Doug C. v. Hawaii (9th Cir. 2013). Retrieved fromttp://www. wrightslaw. com/caselaw. htm Essex, N. (2012). Religion and the Public Schools. In Fossel, M. Holstein, N. (Eds. ), School Law and the Public Schools: A Practical Guide for Educational Leaders (5th ed. ) HONIG, California Superintendent of Public Instruction v. DOE, et al. (1988). Retrieved from http://www. wrightslaw. com/caselaw. htm Mawdsley RD. Supervisory standard of care for students with disabilities. West’s Educ Law Q. 1993; 2:421–433. Quoted in: Yell M (2001).

Monday, October 14, 2019

Rewards System in HRM

Rewards System in HRM Chapter 1 The basic idea of HRM is first appear from 1980s; and defined in very simple term as managing people in organization and now in modern society, technological changes and production of product and services demand more than just managing people in an organization (Newell and Scarbrough, 2002). The term Human Resource Management and Human Resource emerged after replacing the term Personnel Management with almost same definition of managing people in an organization; it is a deliberate and consistent approach of managing organizational imperative asset (i.e. people) in order to operate business smoothly and achieve objectives which functions through human resource system including HR strategies, HR policies, HR process, HR practices and HR programs (Armstrong, 2006). HRM systems can be drive through organizational competencies to permit firms and industry to discover and utilize existing and upcoming opportunities (Ulrich and Lake, 1990). Organizational effectiveness, Human Capital manag ement, Knowledge Management, Reward Management, employee relations, Meeting Diverse needs, bringing the gap between rhetoric and reality are the specific aim of human resource management (Armstrong, 2006:8). Consider all human abilities to be either innate or acquired. Every person is born with a particular set of genes, which determines his [sic] innate ability. Attributes of acquired population quality, which are valuable and can be augmented by appropriate investment, will be treated as human capital (Schultz, 1981, p.21 quoted in fitz-enz, 2000, p. xii). Motivation 1.2 Purpose of Study The primary purpose of this research is to analyse the reward system and its impact on employees behaviour in McDonalds. Furthermore, this research will try to evaluate whether reward proper reward system would be the better tools for improving employees performance. This research analysis would be conducted through accessing opinion and interest of employees by distributing well designed questionnaire set. On the basis of this analysis, the research will try to advice the strategies and concepts for achieving employees satisfaction through proper and well designed reward policies in McDonalds. 1.3 Objectives of study The reward management system is an integral part of modern business infrastructure; each and every business is operating through optimum utilization of human resource; therefore, employee satisfaction and reward system are vital factors in order to achieve organizational goal (Armstrong, 2009). The fundamental objective of this research is to examine the relationship between employees performance behavior and reward system with in the organization. Furthermore, the specific objectives of this investigation are as below: To analyze how reward system helps to achieve organizational goal and reduce labor turnover. To investigate why rewards are essential to boost employees performance. To find out what type of reward system are mostly implemented by McDonalds in order to motivate employees. Reward system within an organization have major role in generating total reward based upon organizational values and objectives; It helps to provide memorandum about the importance in term of behavior and outcomes; Well designed reward system support to increase performance culture and positive job relationship as well as psychological contract (Armstrong and Helen, 2004). Furthermore, this study offers information and data to help in other relevant research and study to achieve knowledge and better understanding of downsides. This study targets not only issues on reward system but also add and find out the various alternatives like: non-financial rewards can replace the financial rewards if applied after detailed study of employees interest and needs. This study will try to find out whether or not; quality of service in McDonalds depends upon reward system within organization. This research findings and outcomes might helps to make better understanding between employees satisfaction performance and reward system. It ultimately helps to the new HR managers to design better reward system based upon employees interest and needs. Various kind of rewards, employees expectation, employees satisfaction, employees needs and organizational goals are the key factors of this research. 1.4 Research Questions How reward system helps to achieve organizational goal and reduce labor turnover? Why rewards within an organization are essential to boost employees performance? What types of reward system are mostly implemented by organization in order to motivate employees? 1.5 Assumptions Assumption A A/0: It is assumed that there is relationship between reward system and employee behavior. A/1: It is assumed there is no relationship between reward system and employee behavior. Assumption B B/0: It is assumed that there is relationship between employee satisfaction and employee reward system. B/1: It is assumed that there is no relationship between employee satisfaction and employee reward system. Assumption C C/0: It is assumed that there is relationship between employee satisfaction and quality services. C/1: It is assumed that there is no relationship between employee satisfaction and quality services. 1.6 Research Structure In order to analyse reward system and its impact on employees behaviour, this study will review the existing and current literature under the circumstance of reward and reward theory implemented by various industry in chapter two. This research will also inspect the employee satisfaction in relation with reward provided at McDonalds with the help of primary data collected from employees. For this reason, in the literature review chapter, different theories relating to rewards, issues on rewards and its types will be thoroughly reviewed. The third chapter, Research methodology will address philosophy, approach and methods of research undertaken for this research. It will also explain the sampling, case study, research strategy, data collection tools, source of data and the method for data analysis. The fourth chapter, Data analysis and Presentation will present the results of the study in relation with demographic analysis of the respondents and their satisfaction level in McDonalds r eward system. Various figures and charts will be mentioned in this chapter in order to make simple and detailed report on research. In the fifth chapter, conclusions and recommendations will be made based upon data analysis and Presentation. This researcher will offer recommendation to the company (i.e. McDonalds) with due deliberation to the results of the primary data and the review of the literature. After wards, References and appendices will be included in research paper for better understanding and authenticity of study. Chapter 2 Literature Review Theoretical Framework This chapter highlights on the literature that is available in the topic especially the basic concern and aims of the research is to primarily focus on the relationship between organization goal and its reward system of selected fast-food restaurant. It includes literature regarding theories on the topic and review of the observed evidence of previous studies. As for concern several books, articles, journals, research studies have been reviewed in this subject. The main objectives of the literature review is to find out what research studies have been conducted in ones selected of developing research design. Thus the previous studies cannot be unobserved because they provide the foundation of the present study. 2.2 Conceptual Framework Before getting into the core subject matter of Reward system in profit making organization, it is imperative to be acquainted with the general concept of reward, benefit and other related topics and general profile of organization. To understand it better, the following sections and sub-sections will be examining the conceptual matter of the reward system and give brief introduction of the organization under research. 2.3 The context of Reward management In 1960s and 1970s the main cause behind introduction of incentive schemes was to build path of giving workers wages and salaries at a time of government controls (Bowley et al 1982). Due to lack of proper strategy and policies, some of employers gain reduced cost and even below 50% of increased outcomes; in 1980s and 1990s the concept of paying people was changed where worker were paid for their performance rather than attendance; similarly taxation policy was slightly changed as lower rate in income tax (Marchington and Wilkinson, 2005). Payment system has been drastically changed in Britain over the last twenty years and lots of concepts are emerged in relation to compensation and remuneration which are directly in control of management; similarly, in USA, a new concept of payment has emerged under the rubric of the New Pay. This new pattern has great influence on Britains management practice and government as well (White and Druker, 2000). The new pattern of thinking about New Pay in Britain is reward management (term used by Armstrong and Murlis 1988) has same management concern. Then, these concepts fall upon two grounds: 1) rewarding employees for work done and 2) remuneration system to be conditional upon business policy. Furthermore, the interest in reward system concept had been boosted by IPD professional syllabus which includes lots of unit and title on employee reward and a specific text book (Armstrong, 1999). The new syllabus by IPD provides higher emphasis on rewarding employees and employees satisfaction towards job. However, this holistic approach of payment has not, to date, reflected in academic literature, where controversy arises between micro-economics literature of labor economists and human resource literature. The former concern was about effect of pay on whole economy and impact on inflation, productivity and employment. Afterward, in contrast, draws both upon the industrial with regulation with employment relationship and organizational behavior (White and Druker, 2000). Now, the existing textbook focused largely realistic than imaginary, which ignore collective bargaining and employee voice, continue to play in lots UKs organization (Armstrong, 1999).The parallel employee relation also include title to describe pay bargaining systems (Gennard and Judge, 1997). Most importantly, the impact of control relation with in the work area and its impact on reward management plans and policies are polished over IPD texts. Core personnel and Development text (Marchington and Wilkinson, 1966) being an honorable exemption to this approach. Reward management has fascinated increased attention in recent years. Pay structure and system of payment are collectively determined and influenced by context of society in which they implemented (Steven, 1996). 2.4.1 Reward For most of the work is, in the main, a source of disutility, and they therefore require payment to compensate them for the time they devote to it. (Elliott, 1991:) Reward management is not only about money. It is also concerned with those non-financial rewards which provide intrinsic or extrinsic motivation (Armstrong and Murlis, 1988:) Reward is about how staffs are rewarded and valued in return of their performance towards organization which may includes both financial and non financial rewards and embrace the plan, policies , strategies, and reward layout prepared by an organization to maintain smooth reward system (Armstrong, 2009).It signifies one of the vital factors supporting the employment relationship (Kessler, 2005). It can be defined as fundamental expression of job relationship. It is concerned with the formulation, and implementation of plans and policies to reward employees fairly, equitably and consistently on the basis of their performance. The development, maintenance, designs and implementation of reward system is done to fulfill needs of both organization and employees (Armstrong, 2009). Both organizational and employees values are significant for align reward practices (Brown, 2001). It can influence a number of human resource policies, processes and practices which have great impact on organiza tional performance (Lawler, 2000a). It becomes an essential tool to coordinate, communicate and reinforce the organizational goal because it incentivizes staffs to achieve objectives and apply required capabilities and skills supporting them (Brett, 2006). As a result employee feels that they are considered as valuable asset of an organization (Jaques, 1961). All the organization has their own reward system without that employee would not join, come to work and perform less than they are supposed to perform with the mission statement of organization (Wilson, 2002). Business Strategy Reward system is a system which contains various interrelated process and activities done effectively in order to fulfill organizational goal and maintain employees value (Armstrong, 2009). It consists of monetary reward (Fixed and variable) and non monetary (employee benefits) which together mixed and form total remuneration. The main sections of reward system are process, practice, structure, scheme and procedure. Process includes job evaluation, market rate analysis and performance management, Practice includes financial benefits and non financial benefits provided to employees, Structure describe level of rewarding people on the basis of structure and their performance, Schemes explain financial rewards and incentives provided to employees, Procedure for maintaining system and ensuring that worker work according to standard and value of money. Reward system provides systematic way to deliver positive consequence (Wilson, 2002). Cost is the vital factor in reward and for service oriented organization, labor cost have important proportion on overall cost; however, lower labor cost doesnt always minimize cost , some time high labor cost leads towards increased turnover because of excellent performance due to motivation (Pfeffer, 1998). The proper implementation of strategic reward management helps to change employees behavior and attitude towards organization due to effective reward strategy; there are number of factors which mix along these type of straight-forward cause effect relationship; therefore, there is high possibility that reward strategy might helps in organizational change (Marchington and Wilkinson, 2005). 2.4.2 International Reward Management To achieve knowledge about importance of international organization and transnational organizational activity for employees reward system, 2007 World Investment Report (UNCTD, 2007) is suitable; where 78000 transnational companies with 780000 international affiliation and employing approximately 73 million people around the world (Perkins and White, 2008). This circumstance involves lots of areas and scopes for regulation, policies and practice work, human resource specialists critical responsibility for structuring the better reward policies become much more complex and difficult (Briscoe and Schuler, 2004:305). 2.5 Reward Issues Boardroom pay has been brought back under the attention after it emerged that CEO of FTSE100 companies receive around  £3.2 m in 2006 where analysis also emphasize that there is narrow gap between American and British pay (The Times, 29 October 2007).Employees of the largest UK companies are ultimately starting to contribute the decent amount of defined contribution and pension; Employers are tends to put much less defined into the defined payment pensions that has largely replace salary scheme for new employees- only 6-7% of salary, Paul Macro, senior consultant with the firm saidà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦approximately 15% of the salary that generally accepted as being the level of contribution needed to provide a decent income in retirement (Financial Times, 14th November 2007). Employee compensation, remunerations and reward (terms that may be used interchangeably in the literature, although compensation tends to predominant US commentary) may be defined as all forms of financial returns and tangible services and benefits employees receive (Milkovich and Newman, 2004:3). In United States of America (USA), both old and new style organization are taking on board total reward strategy; however, same writer observe that too often, when companies talk about Total Reward they simply mean providing generous benefits and positive workplace. Guaranteeing jobs, supporting an attractive work-life balance, adding benefits and pay- scale, cheering development and opportunities and making work place interesting all makes lower class business logic without considering the needs of high performance; they feel most existing solutions which ignore performance and encourage power (Zingheim and Schuster, 2000). 2.6 Reward Objectives The success of any reward system fully depends upon clear and concise objectives; the first step in consulting a strategic corridor through the reward jungle is to set achievable objectives, basically, to make employees satisfied and get work done from them is a primary objective of reward system (Brown, 2001). Organizations are starting to understand that pay should not de considered in term of particular job and financial results; the compensation should be inextricably being attached to employees, their performance and organizational vision and goals as well as most valuable and important tools for communicate, coordinate and reinforce the attitude and behaviors for results (Flannery et al, 1996). Reward management aims to support the achievement of organizations strategic and operational objectives, helps to communicate, drive and support expected attitude and behavior, promote continuous development, compete in employment market, enhance teamwork, and promote flexibility, gain f airness and equity (Armstrong and Murlis, 1998). Similarly, support culture management and change through matching pay and organizational culture as a whole, where as it cannot drive change or lead change process, cannot define change, cannot establish values and cannot establish effective leadership (Flannery et al, 1996). Furthermore, the European study under total rewards underpinned the following as a objectives and themes of rewards: introducing more flexible and changeability reward rather than control oriented and highly structured, market driven rewards, more flexible employee based, focused on variable pay, promoting boarder concept of reward in relation to contribution in their organization, implementing variety of reward tools, involving managers and staffs in those rewards cases and so on (Perrin, 1999). 2.7 Total Reward Reward that include not only traditional, financial component (salary, wage, pay, benefit etc) but also non-financial component (job responsibility and accountability, career opportunities, training and development etc) provided by an organization in order to motivate its employees (Thumpson, 2002). Reward that covers not only tangible pay like pay and benefits, but also intangible factors, such as opportunity to work flexibly, career development, trainings and environment where employees feels respect and valued (Brett, 2006). It includes direct as well as indirect and intrinsic as well as extrinsic (Manus and Graham, 2003), which embrace everything that employee values in employment relationship (Oneal, 1998). The combination of both monetary and non-monetary reward which helps to address every staff whether they want financial or non financial; the tools that are used to attract, retain, motivate and satisfy employee in order to increase efficiency and effectiveness that drive desired attitude in workplace (World Bank, 2000). Total reward is vertically integrated organizational strategy and horizontally integrated with HR strategies to gain internal consistency (Armstrong, 2009). The success of totals reward strategy is almost all depends upon monetary and non-monetary rewards provided to employees by employers (Davis, 2007). an approach to providing a package of reward to employees in the way that optimize employee satisfaction with reward from their work, and which does this in such a fashion that the employees contribution to employer is optimized at an acceptable cost -Vicky Wright, CIPD vice president (CIPD National Conference, 2001) It is fairly simple to understand but very complex in operation owing to the wide -ranging implications forà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..reward management (Richards and Hogg, 2007:4) All the employers available tools that may be used to attract, retain, motivate and satisfy employees, this encompasses every single investment that an organization makes in its people, and everything its employees value in the employment relationship. (World Bank, 2000) The termà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦adopted to describe a reward strategy that brings additional component such as learning and development, together with aspects of the working environment into the benefit package. It goes beyond standard remuneration by embracing the company culture, and is aimed at giving all employees a voice in the organization, with the employers in return receiving and engaged employee performance. (Richards and Hogg, 2007:1) Whistling the initial definition on offer, the relationship might be distinguish between total reward and various thoughts and ideas like employee well-being and psychological contract (Guest and Conway, 2004); similarly, emotionally intelligent leadership (Brown et al, 2006; Goleman, 2002; Palmer et al, 2001); mutual gain'(Bacon and Blyton, 2006); as well as employee involvement program (Cox et al, 2006) and high involvement work practice'(Huselid, 1995) and so on. Therefore, adopting the wide concept of reward, everything that employees get in return of their efforts is total reward (Davis, 2007). Therefore, the total reward component of World at Work can be summaries as follows: compensation, benefits, work-life, performance and recognition and development and career opportunities (Perkins and White, 2008). In the above given figure, upper two boxes (i.e. Pay and Benefit) indicate transactional reward which are financial in nature. In other hand, lower two boxes (i.e. Learning development and work environment) indicate rational reward which are non-financial in nature. The effective reward is the one which consist of both transactional and rational rewards (Thompson, 2002). The success of organization depends upon its staffs. If staffs are satisfied and loyal towards organization than overall goals can be achieved. However, some business organization fails to motivate their employees in aspect of reward. So, considering the fact, organization should apply both financial and non-financial reward (i.e. Total reward). 2.7.1 Financial/Extrinsic Reward Rewards like pay, benefit, salary, incentive are financial or extrinsic reward; various kinds of benefits and perks provided to employees in non-cash as a benefits and helps to motivate employees to perform better, similarly it also shows employers interest in employees well being (Perkins, and White, 2008). 2.7.2 Non-Financial/Intrinsic Reward Intrinsic reward can be divided into two parts; environmental reward and development oriented reward (Kessler, 2001). Environmental rewards are like employees value shown by senior supervisor, managers in work place, sensitivity of supervision and leadership excellence; similarly, development oriented reward are individually targeted to enhance career development and opportunity as well as helps to built sense of accomplishment in employees (Milkovich and Newman, 2004). 2.8 Reward Theory 2.8.1 Wage Gap Theory Another neo-institutionalist approach was Wage Gap Theory which indicate the same dominant power exercise by employers on their product market to distribute higher part than the normal profit with the employees and employees commitment towards organization for enduring of production (Heery, 2000). Wage rate across six OECD nation remained almost equal and controlling labor quality and effectiveness. (i.e. USA, Canada, Sweden, Australia, Norway and Germany); the wage paid to employees in return of their effort seems less considerable comparing with rate of trade union and collective bargaining (Zweimuller and Barth, 1992). Criticism of neo institutionalist arguments The practical role of employees reward construction and level of typical social science whether at national level or organizational level; management has required employment relationship on more flexible pattern in order to transfer risk from employer to employee and to facilitate organizational product market or to enhance return on shareholder investment (Rubery, 1997). During 1980-1990, the institutional approach of designing fair wage and arrangement with reward enjoy by employees were reduced, supported by government policies that pay should be based upon organizational ability to pay which reduce the power of trade union and popularity of the collective bargaining (Beaumont and Hunter, 2000). The existing reward determination theory was found ineffective in its overruling importance on stability and mutuality building where as majority of interest is on employment relationship thats why labor market policies should be reconsider; more attention should be given for disputes that profit values are redistributed between organizational stakeholders to privilege economic capital over human capital; the expectation between groups, balance of policies have courageously transfer in the side of management (Rubery, 1997). 2.8.2 Efficiency Wage Theory According to Efficiency Wage Theory, the managerial policy to gain more efficient employment agreement in medium term; worker will employ their capita; to secure optional work boost pay rate but it cause loss to the employer so, paying higher reward levels is a logical employers reaction in order to hold skilled employees (Perkins and White, 2008). This theory also describes a possible corrective aspect, concentrating on what economists do to labeled soldiering on the part of worker; more optimistically, this theory theoretically introducing a sorting effect'(Perkins and White, 2008). Those organization who needs more and skilled human capital to operate their business use above-market wage levels in order to attract expected employees; where close supervision will be reduced; this relates to Responsible autonomy policy (Friedman, 1984). Paying above-market reward for skilled workforce might be suitable option than to employ additional supervision; this concept will be attractive in case of knowledge workers (Rubery, 1997). 2.8.3 Labor Market Theory The term Labor Market implies that, the struggle on labor in capitalist society where product and services are traded in market; employee tries to spend their labor in maximum best prices and similarly employer bargain to purchase labor in minimum best price (Perkins and White, 2008). Classical labor Market Theory The concepts of constant choice by the groups to effort-reward relationship emphasize classical labor market theory; the demand of labor meets supply of labor exactly where pay will be determine in labor market is known as Market Clearing (Black, 2002). The only effective policy is to pay what other do (Garhart and Rynes, 2003:15). S Value of Marginal productivity of Labor D Quantity of labor Figure: 2 (Wage determination in a competitive labor market, balancing Demand (D) and Supply (S) of labor.) Source: (Perkins and White, 2008:34-35) According to above figure, the supply of labor is equal to demand of labor where worker will accept the job at the price that offer by employer: it is a value of marginal productivity of labor. This theory explain that there is tough competition among employer in term of paying their employees but finally every employer has to pay same as everyone pays. This theory indicates that paying strategy always leans toward symmetry where demand and supply of labor meets. This model of the employment system address the famous classical economist Adam Smith and its neo classical restatement by other neoclassical economists like: Jevons, Menger and Walrus; every one is free to choose their best price either employees or employers, employee compete with other employee for wages and similarly employer compete with other rivals for labor (Watson, 2005). Logically looking for Maximum utility, worker will accept work after comparing overall benefit of different works; thus work that are less satisfying, include more threat and hard to achieve mastery will require higher amount of wages compare to other work whose feature are opposite (Perkins and White, 2008). However, the concept of labor market was changed form middle of twentieth century, number of research indicate that the real situation of labor market doesnt run according to previous assumption given by classical economists; the paying system might effect in market force whereas some economists argues that it needs to remove market distortion (Garhart, and Rynes, 2003). Whether or not, labor supply by employees to employers is not the single economic issues; it is the effort employed by employees when employed (Rees, 1973) Stand as alternative economic theory of classical labor market theory, Institutional Labor Economic Theory describes the different wage level and dependent on organizational issue; employees and employers anticipation will be rest on maximizing in their financial concern (Perkins and White, 2008). In term of strategic initiative, higher level executive plan the contract in such a way that it minimizes the economic cost by putting labor satisfaction in effective and efficient ways; in other word, both employees and employers make a decision about work relationship comparing all the economic issues and interest; rationality between both party and their interest and wants remain significant Transaction Cost Theory Assumption (Williamson, 1975). Similarly, Resource Based Theory of Firm explains that economic effectiveness and efficiency will be increase through subsidiary scheme to take benefits of organizational resources; employee reward are parallel to HRMs other features and is arran ged to maintain organizational culture (Kessler, 2001; Purcell, 1999). Whereas, new institutional approach strategy theory describes the number of political and social issues tackling employees in an organization; organizational system (both internal and external) helps to design better employees reward system (Perkins and White, 2008). 2.8.4 Human Capital Theory Human Capital Theory makes an assumption that individuals gather human capital by investing both time and money in training and development, education, and other various opportunities based program in order to increase their efficiency and productivity and as a result employees value to employers (Abercrombie, et al, 2000). Human Capital Theory (developed by Schultz and Becker in the 1960s) differentiates between expenditure made on human capital and employees consumption; market are for the service of capital, not the reserve capital itself. In order to achieve HRM objectives of motivating employees and get work done through them, manager must balance between cost and skills (Hendry, 2003). Exchange Theory explains t

Sunday, October 13, 2019

University Exclusivity Essay -- Education Argumentative Persuasive Ess

University Exclusivity This country that we live in, the United States of America, has a reputation as being the "land of opportunity." Foreigners and native-born citizens regard this land as the pot of gold at the rainbow's end for those individuals who wish to make a life for themselves through hard work and perseverance. Yet for many minorities and economically disadvantaged people, the dream is unfulfilled because the educational opportunities that they need are unavailable. The universities are as unreachable as top- shelf merchandise in a warehouse without ladders or lifts. They are no less unwelcoming than heavy steel doors slamming shut in the face of a visitor. The selections from The Presence of Others: Voices that Call for Response collectively give the reader a snapshot of which individuals are being excluded, and why. The role and responsibility of the university must be established, and areas in need of change should be explored. Historically, racism has prevented many from ever having the opportunity to move a tassel across their forehead. To rectify this situation, minority based schools were established. Affirmative action policies made their way into colleges all over the country and quickly became policy in many states. However, Shelby Steele pointed out that these policies may actually hinder more than they help. He believed that policies giving preference to anyone based on race alone actually increase the racial tension between minority and non-minority groups (75). He also wrote that such policies are only part of the problem. The fear of racial hatred may prevent prospective students from even attempting to attend college. He cites instances of blatant racial harassment even on campuses in which "b... ...ryone must be assigned an equal designation of worth. No one person is more deserving of an education than another. To deny the opportunity to anyone based on such criteria as class, race, gender or ability is to tip the scales and make some people less deserving than others. Universities cannot have license to do this. To all who would listen, let them learn. Works Cited Lunsford, Andrea A. and Ruszkiewicz, John. The Presence of Others: Voices that Call for Response. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1997. Brooks, Gwendolyn. "We Real Cool." Lunsford 147. Hooks, Bell. "Keeping Close to Home: Class and Education." Lunsford 85-96. Rich, Adrienne. "What Does a Woman Need to Know?" Lunsford 44-51. Rose, Mike. "Lives on the Boundary." Lunsford 97-111. Steele, Shelby. "The Recoloring of Campus Life." Lunsford 63-84.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

A View From the Bridge - Arthur Miller Essay example -- English Litera

A View from the bridge by Arthur Miller Examine the ideas of manliness, hostility and aggression in 'a view from the bridge'. How are these ideas connected? In this essay I will examine the ideas of manliness, hostility and aggression are connected to each other in 'a view from the bridge'. The play is set in a slum near the Brooklyn Bridge. In the story the main character is Eddie carbone and we see many sides to this character throughout the play. Eddie carbone is a middle aged man going through a mid life crisis. Many things are causing this mid life crisis, but the main thing and the most obvious one is the relationship between Catherine and Radolpho. Catherine is the niece of his wife, Beatrice. Catherine's parents died when Catherine was very young and ever since then Beatrice and Eddie have raised her like their own daughter. Eddie has grown to love as his own daughter but due to this he has also developed a possessiveness that he does not quite understand. Eddies mid-life crisis starts to be noticed when the cousins of Beatrice illegally immigrate into the country by boat and stay with them temporarily. From the moment they first arrive in the play we immediately notice that something is bound to happen from the way Eddie talks to them. This is where the drama officially begins. Eddie has a certain type of belief that you have to be a particular way or do particular things in order to be a real man, he believes that certain types of characteristics and qualities are needed to be manly. He has lived by these qualities and characteristics and believes they are right. This is possibly due to the way he was raised. The views that Eddie thinks are need for masculinity are that you should go ou... ...cond language and struggles sometimes, " ...the machine, the machine is necessary. " His sentences are lively and witty and entertaining. Marco seems to be able to speak English better than his brother. His sentences are usually serious and quite intense, " Too loud. The guests in that hotel are all Englishmen. They don't like too loud. " This book is all about manliness, hostility and aggression. Manliness is the main thing because backs in the time that this play was set in men were the most dominant gender by far. They were in charge of everything; they were the ones that had a say in everything. Manliness led to hostility because the role of dominance can be threatened, as it was in Eddie's case, which leads to aggression. Eddie tried to eliminate the threat be trying to kill him but it backfired on him and in the end he was the one who died.